
Branding to Stand Out in A Crowded Market

Pittsburgh’s Strip District neighborhood is a hub of small businesses, and each day it’s buzzing with activity. Penn Ave, which runs through the Strip District, is lined with shops where you can fill your reusable tote bags with fresh produce, authentic Italian pastries, and Pittsburgh-centric souvenirs. At the heart of all this activity is the standout Allegheny Coffee & Tea Exchange.

Eric and Derek - Owners at Allegheny Coffee and Tea Exchange in Pittsburgh PA
Eric and Derek – Owners at Allegheny Coffee and Tea Exchange in Pittsburgh PA

Owners Eric and Derrick knew that in order to stand out among the competition they needed to create a signature look. When you leave the coffee shop with a bag of their signature blend tucked under your arm, you’ll notice that the bag displays the company’s full color custom label.

Making It Easy for Customers to Find the Shop

Allegheny Coffee Label

“Our designers suggested we add all of our business info to the label,” says Eric. The labels include the shop’s physical location, their website, and their phone number. “This way if you have it at home on your counter, and you have friends over who like what you’re serving them, they can just look it up right there on their phone.”

For to go cups, the guys at Allegheny went for the black Ripple-Wrap to distinguish their shop. “It’s a different look, and we stand out because of it,” says Eric. “Most shops serve in the cheap Styrofoam cups, and we don’t want that. Our black cups stand out. People see the cups and inquire, ‘Wow, where did that come from?'”

Not Everything in the Shop Is Customized

Detpak Ripple Wrap Cups

Eric and Derrick have thoughtfully chosen what’s customized and what is not, all while paying close attention to brand details and costs.


For information and ideas about how to make your packaging stand out from the crowd, give us a call at 888-321-2248.

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