
Soon to be Favorites: Food Trends We’ll see in 2018

With the New Year comes a slew of new dining options. Certain food trends are on the rise while others are starting to fall by the wayside. We took a look into our own crystal ball to see what 2018 has in store for the food industry and the future is bright.

New food alert: Kolache

Kolache with Brisket

Well it isn’t exactly new, per se. Kolache – the Czech pastry that is often fruit-filled but sometimes filled with savory ingredients – has been around for centuries. Over the last few years, we’ve worked with a growing number of kolache shop owners in Texas. Specifically we’ve seen a lot of them popping up in the Houston area, like our pals at Kolache Shoppe. This year we expect to see the flaky, indulgent hand-helds appear in more and more cities across the nation.

Growing Popularity: Food Halls

In MrTakeOutBag’s hometown of Pittsburgh we’ve seen two inspiring food halls pop up very recently: Smallman Galley and most recently, Federal Galley. Food halls are an entrepreneurial lab for the culinary arts. Hopeful future restaurateurs ply their trade and test their concepts in a supportive environment that comes complete with a fully equipped commercial kitchen and a shared restaurant storefront. We first noticed the burgeoning trend back in July of 2016. The number of halls just keeps growing and shows no sign of slowing. So be sure to check out the hall (or halls) in your city! Chow down on the cutting edge, up-and-coming local spots.

Can’t be stopped: Meal Prep

Show of hands: how many of us are guilty of resolving each New Year to start eating better — only to be pigging out on chocolates by Valentine’s Day? Trust us, we’ve been there. But thankfully, healthy prepared meals are no fading fad. From metropolises to off-the-beaten-path little towns, meal prep companies have found a customer base across the nation. Many have even crossed over into the world of delivery, which means healthy and convenient for customers. We don’t see meal prep slowing down any time soon.

What do you predict we’ll see in the food industry this year? Let us know!

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