
Top 3 Packaging Items for Summer Foods

Summer is officially here, which means some of our favorite eateries are adding barbecue-inspired dishes to their menu. Others are opening up their patios for outdoor dining. And of course, summer is the season for food trucks and festivals. With summer in full swing, it’s important for all of these restaurants, food trucks, and cafes to have the right disposable, fast casual type of packaging for their meals. Make sure you’ve got everything on your list.

Paper soup cups for side dishes

Whether you’re dishing up sides that are hot or cold, sweet or savory, a paper soup cup makes an ideal container. Luckily, there is a container for each type of business. For those who want something eco-friendly, reach for the compostable soup containers. Places with a rustic or American grill feel may want to use cups made from kraft paper. Of course, there is always classic white, too.

Paper food trays for handhelds

Few things scream “summer festival” more than eating cheese fries out of paper food boat. There’s a reason you see so many vendors using these. They’re inexpensive but durable, easy to dispose of, and make it a breeze for customers to hold in their hand and eat from. Convenience is king when it comes to food trays.

Custom printed basket and tray liners

Even though those paper food trays are durable, a messy order of nachos will always benefit from a sheet of waxed food tissue paper. Additionally, barbecue joints that are serving racks of ribs on metal food trays (with all the fixings on the side, of course) are using food tissue. For some restaurants it’s a necessity. It also happens to be one of the easiest, most affordable items to brand. Then every Instagram-worthy snapshot your customers take will automatically have your logo front and center.

When you’re ready to get serious about branding your takeout and food packaging, give us a call! Our Packaging Advisors are happy to go over all the details of your project with you to see how we can best assist.

Give us a call today at 888-321-2248.

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